Hun Sen Calls Analysts "Stupid"
pe nh lok neayk rodthamontrei houn sen kalpi msailminh ban
thveukear veayobrahear thngon tow leu krom anak vipheak del
lok haw tha chea anak thveu attha thibbeay beb « lngongkhlaw »
ryy « a lngong tou » del min yl avei saoh ampi brasaeasa
robsa lok banteabpi anak vipheak teang noh ban leuk laeng tha
kampouchea now mean banhhea brachhm cheachraen tiet del min
tean daohsray .
kar thleng robsa lok houn sen ban thveulaeng knong pithi chuob saamneh saamnal cheamuoy kammokr kammokearini cheang 1 3 5 00 neak mk pi rongochakr chamnuon 13 knong sangkeat tuolosangke khand ryssaeikev kalpi msailminh banteabpi mean kar choh phsaay nouv atthabt muoy robsa kaset phnompenh bost kraom chamnangcheung tha « lok houn sen sarsaer pi samitthophl khn anak tamdan tha now mean banhhea min tean daohsray » kalpi thngai ti 28 khe thnou chhna 2 0 17 daoy atthabt nih ban dk srang samdi anak vipheak del riahkn tha kampouchea now mean banhhea cheachraen tiet min tean daohsray ban .
lok houn sen thleng tha : « thngai moun khnhom ban niyeay pi banhhea vodthonpheap puokke yk tow chohphsaay now tam sarptrmean tha mean v dth pheap daohsray ban la bonte banhhea brachhm now te mean . khnhom saum phta tow asa lok anak vipheak ryy asa lok anak sarser teanglay . asa lok trauv changcha tha saumbi te chivit khluon lok krom kruosaear lok ryy ka braponth lok khluon lok phtal kaun lok phtal ka sotth te mean banhhea brachhm teangoasa » .
lok banhcheak tha kmean rueng na muoy del daohsray dl ti banhchob robsa vea te . bratesa now leu piphoplok kmean bratesa na muoy kmean banhhea brachhm noh der saumbi te saharodth amerik del chea bratesa mha amnach khang sedthakechch muoy banhhea brachhm nei bratesa nih ka now te mean dauchneh haey ban chea brathaneathibtei dau na l tram bachchobbann ban khetkham khlang nasa daembi kat banthoy nouv kar chamnay neanea del min chabach haey mk bangkeun nouv kar chamnay knong bratesa .
lok banthem tha : « now knong bratesa teangoasa now knong piphoplok sotthote mean tamrouvkar ketomrong khnhom ttuol yk asa lok kom meul kheunh haey asa lok sdab pi daem rhaut dl chb teub asa lok ban doeng tha khnhom chng niyeay pi avei bae asa lok khnhom niyeay 1 maong asa lok stab khnhom troem te 3 vineati ryy ka muoy vineati asa lok min ach vai tamlei trauv te rhaut dl thngai slab tow tiet . asa lok now te min yl haey daoysaar te asa lok sdab min yl dauchneh haey ban chea asa lok min del thveu avei chokchy noh te . bae sen chea asa lok mean chokchy asa lok ach kan amnach now srok now bratesa kampouchea chomnuosa houn sen bat tow haey » .
lok houn sen tha moun nung attha thibbeay leu brasaeasa robsa lok trauv sdab tangpi kbal dl kantouy chea moun sen . « aichoeng khnhom krean te dasatuen tha bae chng thveu chea anak vipheak troemotrauv mneak asa lok trauv sdab pi kbal aoy dl kantouy haey asa lok sdab choh sdab laeng cha lok vipheak . tha tae ke niyeay avei ke niyeay hnoeng knong kolbamnng avei khnhom min chng thveu chea sastra chary bradaw asa lok te kabonte yeang haoch nasa khnhom mean bt pisaoth now knong amnach now sal te 1 chhna tiet ku mean rypel 40 chhna haey » .
kar thleng robsa lok houn sen ban thveulaeng knong pithi chuob saamneh saamnal cheamuoy kammokr kammokearini cheang 1 3 5 00 neak mk pi rongochakr chamnuon 13 knong sangkeat tuolosangke khand ryssaeikev kalpi msailminh banteabpi mean kar choh phsaay nouv atthabt muoy robsa kaset phnompenh bost kraom chamnangcheung tha « lok houn sen sarsaer pi samitthophl khn anak tamdan tha now mean banhhea min tean daohsray » kalpi thngai ti 28 khe thnou chhna 2 0 17 daoy atthabt nih ban dk srang samdi anak vipheak del riahkn tha kampouchea now mean banhhea cheachraen tiet min tean daohsray ban .
lok houn sen thleng tha : « thngai moun khnhom ban niyeay pi banhhea vodthonpheap puokke yk tow chohphsaay now tam sarptrmean tha mean v dth pheap daohsray ban la bonte banhhea brachhm now te mean . khnhom saum phta tow asa lok anak vipheak ryy asa lok anak sarser teanglay . asa lok trauv changcha tha saumbi te chivit khluon lok krom kruosaear lok ryy ka braponth lok khluon lok phtal kaun lok phtal ka sotth te mean banhhea brachhm teangoasa » .
lok banhcheak tha kmean rueng na muoy del daohsray dl ti banhchob robsa vea te . bratesa now leu piphoplok kmean bratesa na muoy kmean banhhea brachhm noh der saumbi te saharodth amerik del chea bratesa mha amnach khang sedthakechch muoy banhhea brachhm nei bratesa nih ka now te mean dauchneh haey ban chea brathaneathibtei dau na l tram bachchobbann ban khetkham khlang nasa daembi kat banthoy nouv kar chamnay neanea del min chabach haey mk bangkeun nouv kar chamnay knong bratesa .
lok banthem tha : « now knong bratesa teangoasa now knong piphoplok sotthote mean tamrouvkar ketomrong khnhom ttuol yk asa lok kom meul kheunh haey asa lok sdab pi daem rhaut dl chb teub asa lok ban doeng tha khnhom chng niyeay pi avei bae asa lok khnhom niyeay 1 maong asa lok stab khnhom troem te 3 vineati ryy ka muoy vineati asa lok min ach vai tamlei trauv te rhaut dl thngai slab tow tiet . asa lok now te min yl haey daoysaar te asa lok sdab min yl dauchneh haey ban chea asa lok min del thveu avei chokchy noh te . bae sen chea asa lok mean chokchy asa lok ach kan amnach now srok now bratesa kampouchea chomnuosa houn sen bat tow haey » .
lok houn sen tha moun nung attha thibbeay leu brasaeasa robsa lok trauv sdab tangpi kbal dl kantouy chea moun sen . « aichoeng khnhom krean te dasatuen tha bae chng thveu chea anak vipheak troemotrauv mneak asa lok trauv sdab pi kbal aoy dl kantouy haey asa lok sdab choh sdab laeng cha lok vipheak . tha tae ke niyeay avei ke niyeay hnoeng knong kolbamnng avei khnhom min chng thveu chea sastra chary bradaw asa lok te kabonte yeang haoch nasa khnhom mean bt pisaoth now knong amnach now sal te 1 chhna tiet ku mean rypel 40 chhna haey » .
Mr. Hun Sen's remarks were made at a reception for more than 13500 workers from 13 factories in Toul Sangke commune, Russei Keo district. Yesterday, after posting an article in the Phnom Penh Post entitled "Hun Sen praised the achievements as you track down There is a problem Resolved "on December 28, 2017, citing analysts criticizing Cambodia as having" many problems " No longer resolved."In the past, I talked about progress," he said. Good, but challenges remain. I would like to say to you, analysts or you writers. You must remember that your own life, your family, or your own wife and your own children are all your own There are all challenges. "He says there is no case that addresses the end of it. No country in the world has any of these challenges, even the United States, a challenging economic superpower Of the country is still so, so President Donald Trump now has worked very hard to reduce the costs. Not necessary and come up with cost savings .
"In all the countries of the world there is a need for reform, I accept you, you do not see it," he added He listened to the end until he realized what I meant when I spoke for an hour Listen to me in just 3 seconds or a second you can not afford to spend so much Another day he died. You still do not understand, and because you do not understand, you have not done any success No. If you succeed, you can be in power in Cambodia instead of Hun Sen. "
Hun Sen said before commenting on his words, he had to listen from head to tail. "So I just admonish that if you want to be a good analyst, you have to listen to your head to the tail. He listens to Mr. Scan. What do they say, for what purpose I do not want to be a mentor, but at least I have experience In power there is only one year left, 40 years. "
He said he was in office as prime minister for 33 years, "so I can have Experiment over issues of management, social management, and problem-solving problems, no matter how sloppy, no longer divorced or divorced No family disputes I am dealing with problems that are characteristic It is not just Cambodia but it covers regional and international issues. "
Mr. Hun Sen said that what he said was not a blame in the new year, but last year Now, he has seen the news that Mr. Hun Sen has solved the national problems, but have forgotten the remaining issues. "It was said and said, let me tell you that the rest of the country, regardless of the country, is still the same "Today, we live, and what happens tomorrow, it is a challenge for us."
Meanwhile, Mr. Hun Sen even called analysts "turtle tail analysis", "ignorant" and told not to Call them economists or philosophers, instead of the word "stupidity" just right.
He mockingly said, "... ... Analyzing the Tortoise Torture Analysis Do not call the philosopher, calling it stupid, that's right. Not a economist, call it stupid. That's right. So I do not want analysts in Cambodia or some analysts in some countries to be ignorant because economists or Philosophers are very widespread in analyzing each problem but placing it aside because they are ignorant. It has never been Prime Minister Had the minister and if they did, the casting immediately would not have been in power for a long time because of it So that's why it is true. "
But Political analyst Lao Mong Hay, a political analyst, thinks it's "normal" for Mr. Hun Sen to have a "reaction" Strong "he claims is just" his "excuse.
"It is an excuse, but first, if reform of the state-run Alumni state system, commentators, or opportunists," he said. The opportunity to speak is always the constitution, the Paris Accord is the cornerstone or framework and the framework of the comment. . Reforming the stories of peace is evaluated by the results of the reform of actual activities. "
"We say criticizing the criticism can be a negative critique of negative criticism and positive criticism of it, "Do not kick a child, then criticize" A person kicks a child if the mother kicked him, do not do it, and it is negative. They are rebuked and agone means that they will not do the same Will be renovated.
He says all the criticisms are concrete, it does not matter if the critics are being criticized. The truth.
Mong Hay has expressed some concern that the powerful have both strength and means. "As I interviewed, the government even made public announcements, such as failing to get all the facts and fear of the truth. Normally people, if there is a powerful and powerful way, the other way, even when it is oppressive or punish us Worried. "
Mr. San Chey, president of the NGO Social Accountability Association of Cambodia, said that in a democratic society, critical criticism was crucial to contributing to democratic development. .
"The constructive criticism is worth it, and democratic leaders are really welcome to check out," he said. Go on what's accomplished and compare it with your achievements ... As a result, actors who contribute significantly contribute to the process of democratic development. "
He stressed: "This is the freedom of expression of everyone. We do not care about any mention because everyone has the right to freedom of expression, to have the right to react. Right to comment, we are monitors, we are still on the constructive feedback Growth benefits more people. Foolish thing, I think everyone is called a contributor in social development. You are a little bit of a little bit of a little thinking, unless you're a minister every time you have a monitor ".
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