The government's violation of democracy is a rebel activity
The constitution, set up since 1993, is the country's top law, the will of the people who have signed an agreement with the state. Support basic human rights, the state frontier system of the use of multi-party liberal democracy.
But in the last time, observers have observed that Mr. Hun Sen's government has been on horseback, does not look back, and overcame both exaggerated powers. Violating the constitution and will of the citizens of the country such as the dissolution of the CNRP, the voice of more than 3 million people.
Independent analyst Dr. Loa Mong Hay claimed that if the government violated the will of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution and turned away from the principles of rule of law and democratic principles, the government A rebel or an enemy of the constitution, an enemy of the rule of law and a democratic enemy: "You are no longer a constitutional, you are no longer respected. For it is regarded as betraying the people's will and do them, the rebels'
However, senior CPP officials have started to use the rebel word, targeting any opposition party supporters. Rescuers and accused any opposition group who dared to protest peacefully as a color revolution group.
However, Dr. Loa Mong Hay said that allegations against CNRP officials as rebel and revolutionary in color are accusations. Without foundation and contrary to the Constitution. He said that peaceful protests, meetings and criticisms of the government's inaction were the freedom of citizens to emerge: "Charges It is only if the charge is legal. "
Cambodian government officials have yet to comment on the issue.
Political experts say the allegations or paints on each other in this turbulent political society are The greatest danger of Cambodians.
Dr. Heng Sreang, who is studying the sociology and politics of the Harvard University in the United States, says the allegations of revolutionary issues. The color of rebel or communist revolution, the government, etc., is the strategy of powerful groups to scare or intimidate the group. You Government tends to the opposite effect: a political trick, when allegations of sabotage or a movement to topple the government. Ahnoeng is a way to scare. Ahno has been so effective. And accusations of domestic politics in Cambodia, it is not possible. "
Many American philosophers value leadership by enlisting large numbers of people, opening the door for people to decide their own destiny. The government has a responsibility to facilitate the needs of the people, not to oppress the people.
They say when the absence of the law, then the dictator will rise, so the dictators who violate the dictator's law are rebel groups. And any leader who fears the leader is afraid of his people.
Not only Cambodian analysts who see Hun Sen's government are destroying democracy and the rule of law in Cambodia.
Deputy director of Human Rights Watch, Asia for Human Rights, Phil Robertson, considers the Cambodian government as a dictatorship. Violates serious violations of the rule of law and violates commitment to respect for human rights.
He said Cambodia's laws were just a "minor" law designed by Hun Sen's group through violence and the use of force. Armed with a puppet court: "The dictators like Hun Sen do not understand what freedom of expression is to human rights. To democracy After all, the big citizens and what is the rule of law. I think Hun Sen will not be able to change the situation in Cambodia before the election. And the CNRP officials will not be able to return to Cambodia. "
The International Human Rights Watch official claimed that after Hun Sen's ruling party cleaned up the opposition from Cambodia, There will be no problem with the color revolution, so there are no more legitimate opposition parties in the election with the ruling party. Power
He added that at the moment, only the people and the Liberals can judge whether Cambodia is leading such a democratic or disenfranchised way. Plagued by corruption, abuses of human rights, violates the constitution, violates the rule of law and violates democratic principles.
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