Who is Sean Pengse?
Khmer people express regret for the loss of another Cambodian who has survived many things for the cause National and racial defense. In Facebook and in a radio discussion forum, citizens have also considered the border specialist as a hero in the heart Khmer. Who is Sean Pengse?
Mr. Sean Pengse, a Khmer child born in Speu commune, Chamkar Leu district, Kampong Cham province. He is a nephew of former Khmer Prime Minister Samdech Pennut and has four children. He has been living in France since 1975.
He died on January 23, 2018, when he was 82 years old at a hospital in France. For the study, after finishing high school in Phnom Penh, Sean Peng Se continued to study the mapping skills in France and obtained a degree in engineering. High School of Engineering, Mining and Industry in 1959.
Sean Pengse is a former student at the School of Social Sciences in Paris. He then worked as a trainee at the Office of Geological and Mineral Research at the Institute of Petroleum Economics in France. Upon his return to Cambodia, he became a senior figure in the Sangkum regime, and then became minister of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Crafts. The republican era of Marshal Lon Nol was in 1973. As the Lon Nol regime collapsed, he fled to exile in France and established the Paris-based Cambodian Border Commission 1993.
The death of Mr. Sean Peng Se made most people feel regretted about the loss of vital personnel and brave heroes. Daring to speak outright to defend the territory of Cambodia not to let some Cambodian politicians or leaders shake their people Losing Cambodia's borders Neighboring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam.
Chairman of the Cambodian Watchdog Council and KBS in Norway Mr. Men Nath expressed regret for the death of Mr. Sean Pengse. Mr. Men Nath said that Sean Pengse's death was the loss of a Khmer map mapping expert and a human resource of a good Cambodian citizen. Spent almost half of his life in the cause of protecting the sovereignty of Cambodia and initiating a protest in Koh Samlanh From Vietnam based on base Although national and international law regime of Hun Sen is not concerned about the loss of territory and meeting Quoc neighbors anyway.
He added that the heroics and efforts of Mr. Sean Pengse and members of the Cambodian Border Committee provided legal research papers and encouragement Cambodian people, Cambodians, to participate in protecting the sovereignty of Cambodia and to love the nation: "He has done a lot of work, especially against border treaties. Prior to the 90s, including the current border demarcation issue, the story of Quoc Son, where Hun Sen signed to Vietnam in 82, And he had close ties with Samdech Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni on the issue of territorial integrity. To say that he has a lot of advantages for our nation. Besides, he has also documented the borderline, and in Cambodia, there are some children reading a lot. He also sent a letter to the French president, filing a letter to the United Nations, and appealed to the signatories of the Paris Peace Agreements Vietnam and neighboring countries have violated the sovereignty of Cambodia. "
He added that in 2005, Cambodia established the National Supreme Council for Border Affairs with the Presidency and President Sean Pengse Members went to a summit in Beijing to resolve border issues, but after a while, Mr. Hun Sen announced the dissolution of the National Council Floor The scriptures because the Hun Sen government against border with expert Sean Peng Se.
Former NEC member Rong Chhun said Sean Pengse was a rare resource of Cambodia. He added that Mr. Sean Peng Se has devoted much effort to compiling books and other documents on the border, water and land borders. Cambodia has always reminded Cambodians to have their national and national defense obligations: "What I know is related to Map issues of Cambodia as well as border He landed a land book, and he raised many issues to the government over the border demarcation between Cambodia and Vietnam. He has previously expressed concern about abnormal border demarcation. "
Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said he also regretted the loss of a good Cambodian man, though Mr. Sean Pengse has a negative impact on the government. He added that Sean Pengse is a private voice or an organization that often traces border issues with government action: "We have The border legal commission, which runs formal law, and NGOs, including Mr. Sean Pengse, have provided some suggestions. This is also a move to protect Cambodia's sovereignty, despite its negative nature, but it is also a source of resources. Cambodia. "The work of Mr. Sean Pengse's book on the border issue of Cambodia also compiled a number of articles about an unusual treaty with Vietnam. These treaties included the 1982, 1983 and 1985 treaties, which the Cambodian Government was a legitimate and not yet recognized government. The United Nations, as a government-installed government, has signed illegal land border treaties and territorial waters with Hanoi. . Because these treaties were an illegal treaty in 2005, Phnom Penh had made another treaty called the Supplementary Treaty A treaty to uphold the illegal treaties between Cambodia and Vietnam became a legally binding treaty.
Separately, the border clause of Mr. Sean Pengse wrote that these complementary treaties have led Cambodia to lose its border with more than 30,000 Kilometers, including over 500 square kilometers, is about the size of Singapore. The treaty also caused the Cambodians to lose the islands, which the French call the island of Puerto del Sur, which is about 6 km away and disappears from the land. From 4,000 to 6,000 square kilometers more.
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