Two monks and two other CSO officials charged with abuse of confidence after Kem Lei's death

Venerable But Bunthun, Pa Nguon Teang and Moeun Tola are charged by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on charges of rape. Confidence in articles 391 and 392 of the Penal Code. The allegations took place after the former members of the funeral committee, Dr. Kem Ley, were charged under the law. President of the Cambodian Youths Party is involved in the transparency of the funeral management of Kem Lei's funeral.
Deputy prosecutor of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, Chung Kimlong, has decided to open an investigation into crimes and put him under detention. Emergencies to three individuals, including But Buntenh, the director of the Cambodian Independent Monk Network, Moeun Tola, executive director of the Center for Labor Coalition and Human Rights (St. CCHR) and Mr. Pa Nguon Teang, Executive Director of the Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM).
In the letter of the prosecutor dated January 4, the media today said that former members of the commission Three of Dr. Kem Ley's funeral was involved in budget allocation, which ranged from funerals to 100 days, worth about $ 300,000. Prosecutor's report states that Mr. Kem Ley's family suffers from the $ 6,000 budget, Prime Minister Hun Sen $ 50,000 and his team's more than £ 3 million budget. Riel only.

However, But Bunthun, Moeun Tola and Mr. Nguon Teang are not reacting to the charges, and the three have not yet been detained. Yet. But in November 2017, Moeun Tola told Radio France that all the charges against him were false.
Prosecutors' accusations against former Funcinpec member Dr Kem Lei were made after complaints from Mr. Pich Thmey, president of the Youth Party Cambodia on September 8, 2017, surrounding the loss of the funeral budget until the 100-day festival.

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