US Walmart, which exports the largest footwear and second-hand

US Walmart, which exports the largest footwear and second-hand garments from Cambodia, traces one condition. The amount of money that the government of Cambodia has to respect the rule of law is in return for the company's continued purchase of products from Cambodia. Yes. But the ruling party spokeswoman said the letter was a "victory" of the government and an opposition party.
The spokesperson for the ruling CPP, Sok An I-nas, does not care how he interprets the US Walmart's letter. This is his perception.Sok Sisi assured Asia Serey that the letter was a show of continued US interest on Cambodia and called it a "failed party". Opponents: "Anybody who understands that is it, you understand, but I understand differently. This is my right to freedom. The US purchase cuts, a company that is in opposition to the motives of the opposing opposition Close the US market not to export goods from Cambodia. Opponents do not ask for export, will they still export this as a failure or success? "US Walmart sent its delegation to Cambodia on November 7, nine days before the CNRP was re-elected. Prime Minister Hun Sen dissolved. However, on December 6, the company issued a letter to the Minister of Labor and Vocational Training Mr. Ith Sam Heng in reminiscent of The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) provides the basic conditions to continue to trade with Cambodia as well as other countries in the world. Walmart stresses that stability factors, predictions of social status and respect for rule of law are indispensable factors for continuing to lead Exporting products from Cambodia to the US market for a long time.The Walmart message is in line with the condemnation and warning of United States and European sanctions on human rights violations. Democracy and Rule of Law in Cambodia After Hun Sen's Government Arrested Opposition Leader Condemns CNRP Conviction On Organizers Civil society and independent media as well as severe wordpress attacks on the US government, causing a morbid to good relations Diplomatic relations between the two countries.

 US Walmart, which exports the largest footwear and second-hand garments from Cambodia, traces one condition. The amount of money that the government of Cambodia has to respect the rule of law is in return for the company's continued purchase of products from Cambodia. Yes. But the ruling party spokeswoman said the letter was a "victory" of the government and an opposition party.The spokesperson for the ruling CPP, Sok An I-nas, does not care how he interprets the US Walmart's letter. This is his perception.Sok Sisi assured Asia Serey that the letter was a show of continued US interest on Cambodia and called it a "failed party". Opponents: "Anybody who understands that is it, you understand, but I understand differently. This is my right to freedom. The US purchase cuts, a company that is in opposition to the motives of the opposing opposition Close the US market not to export goods from Cambodia. Opponents do not ask for export, will they still export this as a failure or success? "US Walmart sent its delegation to Cambodia on November 7, nine days before the CNRP was re-elected. Prime Minister Hun Sen dissolved. However, on December 6, the company issued a letter to the Minister of Labor and Vocational Training Mr. Ith Sam Heng in reminiscent of The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) provides the basic conditions to continue to trade with Cambodia as well as other countries in the world. Walmart stresses that stability factors, predictions of social status and respect for rule of law are indispensable factors for continuing to lead Exporting products from Cambodia to the US market for a long time.The Walmart message is in line with the condemnation and warning of United States and European sanctions on human rights violations. Democracy and Rule of Law in Cambodia After Hun Sen's Government Arrested Opposition Leader Condemns CNRP Conviction On Organizers Civil society and independent media as well as severe wordpress attacks on the US government, causing a morbid to good relations Diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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